Due to a scheduling conflict, please note this webinar is on Friday, not our usual Wednesday time. For March, we are working on a location to meet live!
The link to join the webinar will be included in the confirmation email sent to you.
We've all heard of the Dark Web, but what can we do to protect ourselves and our clients?
The Dark Web may be used for legitimate purposes as well as to conceal criminal or otherwise malicious activities. There are several different ways that ransomware can infect computers. From a risk management perspective, we will share methods to protect company and client data as well as insurance products to financially protect employers. Further discussions on Advanced Threat Intelligence on how to recognize and protect from breaches and financial fraud with proactive prevention methods to protect company assets.
We are seeing Insurance Carriers offer corporate liability insurance rate reductions when a business has internal written Cyber Security protocols and employee training on how to protect company and client data. Insurance professionals will gain an enhanced understanding on how to help clients set-up internal policies and procedures and negotiate and work with Insurance Carriers to secure the best possible coverage and rates for their clients.
4411 Sunbeam Rd
PO Box 23595
Jacksonville, FL 32257-9998
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