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JAHU July Meeting - State of the Self-funding Market

  • Wednesday, July 17, 2019
  • 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
  • Culhane's Irish Pub, 9720 Deer Lake Ct, Jacksonville 32246


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State of the Self-funding Market:  Why is level-funding and self-funding important in today's market?

Want to learn more of about self-funding, but were afraid to ask? Then you won't want to miss our July meeting!  

Why is self-funding important for me to know about?

Is an ASO arrangement or the TPA model better for a client?

What about level-funding or even a hybrid funding model?

What options are available for your clients?

Each of our panelists have decades of experience in self-funding and all come from different aspects of the market:

  • Desiree Bartley, with Preferred Benefit Administrators
  • Kelly Hossler, with Aetna
  • Billie Rodriguez, with Benecon

Registration starts at 11:00 am and our meeting will start promptly at 11:30 am with the installation of our 2019-20 Board of Directors and the presentation of the Laurie Schellenburg Memorial Awards.

4411 Sunbeam Rd

PO Box 23595

Jacksonville, FL 32257-9998

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